
南约旦,犹他州 - 2019年7月11日 -bob综合app官网Merit Medical Systems,Inc。。在这个新创造的职位,牧师博士将实施一个协调的全球健康计划,旨在帮助世界各地的员工更健康,更具充实的生活。


Since 2016, Dr. Priest has worked as the doctor at Merit Care, the onsite healthcare office at Merit Medical’s global headquarters in Salt Lake City, UT. Founded to provide comprehensive onsite family medicine to Merit Utah employees and their families, Merit Care – under the leadership of Dr. Priest – has expanded to provide the support of a full-time physician’s assistant as well as a dedicated nutritionist. During this time, Dr. Priest also successfully implemented or expanded multiple health and wellness programs directly benefiting Merit employees. These include a “90-Day Challenge” created to help employees adopt sustainable, healthy fitness and nutrition habits; the expansion of a community garden project that cultivates fresh produce for the Merit main campus cafeteria; and a dental care program offering biannual cleanings. In her role as CWO, Dr. Priest will leverage her experience and training to ensure Merit proactively engages employees regarding their health and habits, identifying, managing, and potentially reversing chronic health risks.

“我很兴奋,很感激被命名为Merit Medical的第一个主要健康官,期待着改善Merit雇员的生活世界各地,“尼科尔牧师评论,米德,首席健康官员,Merit Medical。“帮助人们做出积极的,有影响力的生活方式的变化是我的激情,并且在分享这种激情的组织中承担领导作用是非常有益的。作为CWO,我将确保优点继续持续并扩大其对投资员工健康,福祉和满意度的承诺。“



Merit Medical Sysbob综合app官网tems,Inc。成立于1987年,从事介入,诊断和治疗程序中使用的专有一次性医疗装置的开发,制造和分配,特别是心脏病学,放射学,肿瘤学,关键护理和内窥镜检查。Merit在全球范围内为客户提供服务,并提供超过300人的国内和国际销售部队和临床支持团队。Merit在犹他州南约旦设施雇用约6,300人;Pearland,德克萨斯州;里士满,弗吉尼亚;宾夕法尼亚州马尔旺恩;马萨诸塞州罗克兰;圣何塞和加利福尼亚州的瓦迪霍;荷兰马斯特里赫特和芬洛;法国巴黎; Galway, Ireland; Beijing, China; Tijuana, Mexico; Joinville, Brazil; Markham, Ontario, Canada; Melbourne, Australia; Tokyo, Japan; Reading, United Kingdom; Johannesburg, South Africa; and Singapore.

Kara Stephens
Pascale Communications, LLC
[email protected]

Merit Medical,高级总监,营销和通信
[email protected]